Make A Contribution

Permaculture is an Ethical Design Science, and my responsibility as a Designer, Teacher and Consultant is to contribute to projects that need these skills.

Sometimes this means I work for fees below the normal rates for such services, or even for free. I do this with an open heart, knowing that my contribution will help the project, and allowing the people involved to move in the right direction.

This is part of the greater Ethical value of Care for the Earth, and I’m a firm believer that those who, in turn, are in position to help in other ways might be inclined to do so too.

How Can You Contribute?

Donate Money

You can support the current projects by making a material donation.

Pay-what-you-can for downloading resources

A number of digital resources are available (or will be available shortly) through the website, so you can choose to buy these for the amount of your choice.

Share Your Knowledge / Time

Another means to contribute is by giving your time or sharing your knowledge, through barter, to help ongoing projects. If you believe your skills can make a difference, I am always open to suggestions or service exchange.

Share Your Tools

Finally, if there are any tools, materials or consummables you’d want to share, click the button below to find out what would be highly useful to help with current Permaculture Design projects.